Interview with Vlad Kulminski from Euroradio Belarus

Vlad Kulminski. Euroradio Belarus.
May 2019 marks the tenth anniversary of the Eastern Partnership, which was launched to deepen and strengthen relations between the European Union, its Member States and six neighboring countries in the east: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia , Moldova and Ukraine.
To what extent does the EP in 2019 differ from the EP in 2009? What are the main successes and failures of the EU? Or if it is still valid, the “Eastern Partnership” in the six format? To what extent did the countries take advantage of the EP?
These and other questions in a live interview at Euroradio Belarus were addressed by Armenian President Advisor, Director of the International Human Development Center Teva Poghosyan and former political advisor to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, director of the Institute for Strategic Initiatives Vladislav Kulminski.
During the conversation, Kulminsky noted that “the Eastern Partnership program remains relevant, allowing member countries to carry out internal, institutional reforms.” At the same time, Kulminsky emphasizes that the leaders of these countries should bear responsibility for the dynamics of the reform.