Study: The human resource crisis and the salary sistem within central and local authorities

The human resource crisis in public institutions is an acute problem.
First of all, this crisis is manifested in the large number of vacant positions.
For example, the vacancy rate in the President’s Office is 39%, in the Investment Agency – 50%, in the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization – more than 25%.
One of the main causes of this crisis is insufficient, uncompetitive and unfair salary levels.
Recruitment and retention of qualified staff – especially those with sufficient public service experience and institutional memory – is a challenge that will also affect the speed of EU accession negotiations.
The pursuit of economic growth should remain the focus of the authorities to ensure competitive and sustainable wage levels.
Our study is available here: Studiu_Criza resurse umane APC_en
The study was prepared within the framework of the initiative “Socially Responsible Management of External Financing”, implemented by the Institute for Strategic Initiatives and the Independent Analytical Center Expert-Grup with the support of the Soros Foundation in Moldova.