The social campaign “Protect the future” has been launched to mobilize young families in Moldova to support Moldova’s integration into the European Union

The Institute for European Policies and Reforms (IPRE) and the Institute for Strategic Initiatives (IPIS) launched, on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, during a public event, the social campaign “Protect the future”, which aims to create the resilience of young families in the Republic of Moldova to the existing wave of disinformation.
Dozens of children together with the muralist painter, Dan Iovu, filled with color an artistic installation in the shape of wings, located in Valea Morilor Park. Hundreds of townspeople took pictures on the background of the wings with the message “We put the future in the shelter”.
At the opening of the event, Iulian Groza, Executive Director of IPRE, said: “As parents we have the duty to protect the future of our children. In the face of critical dangers, the world joins forces. The only way to protect Moldova from war is to integrate into the European Union. Around us there are many people who are stunned by propaganda and hatred and who find arguments to defend war, to defend the killing of innocent people. As young parents, we can talk to these people, try to reach their hearts. 79 years of peace and respect for life – this is the European Union, and we must be part of it.”
In his turn, Vadim Pistrinciuc, Executive Director of IPIS, said: “What I appreciate about the European Union is that these 27 countries, all with certain historical pains and disputed territories, have managed to unite. They decided that peace and cooperation are more important and that issues must be discussed at the negotiating table, without violence. It is a model that I think is the best for the Republic of Moldova. We no longer want wars for territories in the 21st century. We have a lot to learn from the countries of the European Union. On many dimensions. Those who have been to Germany, France, Italy, Sweden or the Netherlands have seen with their own eyes that these countries are very advanced, and we have something to learn from them and we have something to take over. Integration into the European Union means growth and development for us.”
The event was attended by young families, representatives of civil society and opinion leaders, who came with messages of support for the campaign and urged young families to support the idea of European integration as an investment in the future of children in the Republic of Moldova.
More information about the “Sheltering the Future” campaign can be found on The campaign is implemented between June and July 2024, it is apolitical and represents a manifestation of the mission of the partner civil society organizations promoting the European integration of the Republic of Moldova, which is the optimal way to preserve our peace, prosperity and freedom.
The video produced within the social campaign “Sheltering the future” can be accessed in Romanian here and Russian here.
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The campaign is implemented by the Institute for European Policies and Reforms and the Institute for Strategic Initiatives with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Republic of Moldova.