The 2nd Policy Dialogue within the project “CAPACITY4EU – Civil Society for EU Accession” held on October 3rd in Falesti, gathered over 40 Mayors of villages in Falesti region, representatives of the regional public administration, regional executive committees, local public authorities and civil society. 

The audience during the event represented many different political views and opinions, including opposition to the current authorities.

The core items discussed during the dialogue included Moldova’s EU integration, pre-accession process, some of its technical details and requirements, especially the chapter on agriculture, myths and propaganda about EU integration process, but also ways to counter disinformation.

The participants provided a strong feedback on the issues discussed.

The project “CAPACITY4EU – Civil Society for EU Accession” is implemented by the Institut für Europäische Politik, in partnership with the Institute for Strategic Initiatives (IPIS) and the Institute for European Policies and Reforms (IPRE), with the support of the Federal Foreign Office  of Germany.