#CAPACITY4EU Exchange Lab: A fruitful dialog between Moldovan and German civil society

The Exchange Lab, an event dedicated to civil society representatives from Germany and the Republic of Moldova, took place in Chisinau on 12 December. The exchange contributed to an informed dialogue about the Republic of Moldova in the areas of EU communication, migration, foreign policy and countering disinformation. It also offered the opportunity for further networking between German and Moldovan civil society.
An exchange trip for representatives of German civil society to the Republic of Moldova took place between 9 and 12 December 2024 as part of the CAPACITY4EU project. The trip was organised by the Institut für Europäische Politik, the Institute for European Policies and Reforms (IPRE) and the Institute for Strategic Initiatives (IPIS). The talks provided first-hand insights into the political situation in the country and the challenges for the coming year.
Next year representatives of Moldovan civil society will visit Berlin for a networking visit and an exchange on Moldova’s EU integration.
The project “CAPACITY4EU – Civil Society for EU Accession” is implemented with the support of the Federal Foreign Office of Germany.