The second module of the “Transnistrian Dialogues” was dedicated to entrepreneurship

The Transnistrian Dialogues: women’s edition opened with a seminar on fundraising

The media course for young people continued with a module on disinformation in the online space

Young journalists, entrepreneurs, and students became new participants of the Transnistrian Dialogues

Journalists will continue IPIS’ work in investigating the use of budget funds intended to combat COVID-19

IPIS’ analysis: In the midst of pandemic, the Government raised one-third of planned grant assistance

Media course for young people was launched as part of the project “#informMD – against misinformation in the Republic of Moldova”

(Română) Apel deschis pentru participare la cursul de formare media

#informMD – a new project against disinformation in the Republic of Moldova

Experts from Gagauzia and Chisinau made a number of proposals to stimulate the study of the Gagauz and Romanian languages ​​in the autonomy